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Evaluating the Classroom Interactions and Knowing the Implications for Students' Reading Abilities

Rustan Santaria
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
Rusdiana Junaid
Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo
Aziz Thaba
Lembaga Swadaya Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Matutu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Keywords: reading, learning interactions, FIAC, learning success, learning evaluation ,


The researcher adapted the Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC) as a tool to observe a series of reading learning in the lower grades with the aim of evaluating the classroom interactions and knowing the implications for students' reading abilities in Public Elementary School (SDN) 012 Langkanae, Palopo City. Using a qualitative research method with descriptive techniques, the data was collected through observation and analyzed interactively in three main stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the research proved that the interaction created in reading learning in the lower grades at Public Elementary School (SDN) 012 Langkanae, Palopo City was multi-directional and teacher-centered. Teacher-centered interaction means that the teacher has the most power in learning in the classroom but is not dictatorial and students are the object. The classroom interaction used by the teacher in learning to read in the low grade has good or positive implications for students' reading skills. So, the pattern of multi-directional interaction that is centered on the teacher and the characteristics of teacher learning that is fun and always provides opportunities for students to express ideas or initiatives can improve the reading ability of low grade students in elementary schools.