Investigating the Influence of Informal Digital Learning of English on Attitude towards and Motivation to Learn English as a Second Language


  • Muhammad Awais Bhatti Associate Professor, Department of Management, School of Business, King Faisal University, AlAhsa 31982, Saudi Arabia
  • Sumaia Ahmed Aldubaikhi Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Translation, Collage of Sciences and Theoretical Studies, Saudi Electronic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Informal Digital Leaning of English, Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Attitude, English as a Second Language.


The primary aim of this research study was to examine the impact of informal digital English learning, facilitated by various online sources such as educational content, entertainment content, and socialisation content, on students' motivation to acquire English as a second language and their general attitude towards the process of learning English as a second language. In order to fulfil the intended goal, data was gathered from a sample of 316 students who were enrolled in an English course during their initial year of graduate studies or who had chosen to specialise in the English language during their graduate studies. The data that was gathered was subjected to analysis using the statistical software SPSS, specifically through the application of regression analysis. The findings of the study indicated a correlation between the availability of educational content on the internet and students' inclination to make efforts to learn English. Similarly, the presence of entertainment and socialisation content was linked to students' personal desire and motivation to learn English. Furthermore, all three aspects of informal digital learning, namely educational, entertainment, and socialisation content, were associated with social approval and a positive attitude towards the acquisition of the English language. This study makes significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge as it explores the relatively new concept of informal digital learning of English. Consequently, further research is necessary in this area. The present study also examined various forms of motivation, including intrinsic motivation and the desire for social validation, in relation to the acquisition of English as a second language. This particular aspect has not been previously investigated in prior research. In addition to this, the existing literature lacks sufficient studies on the attitude towards learning English as a foreign language, specifically in the realm of informal digital English learning. Consequently, this study serves as a noteworthy contribution to the academic discourse.


