Integrating Phonetics in Elementary Listening Teaching for Enhanced International Students' Pronunciation: A Linguistic Approach


  • Yu Zhou PHD studying, College of Chinese International Language and Culture, Krirk University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand
  • Ping Wu Dr, Professor, College of Chinese International Language and Culture, Krirk University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand


Language Education, Phonetics Integration, Teacher Beliefs, Student Attitudes, Language Learning Outcomes.


The present study examines the complex dynamics of language education, with a specific emphasis on the acquisition of Chinese language skills by international students enrolled in elementary schools in Beijing. The main objective of this study is to examine the influence of incorporating phonetics into language instruction on the improvement of pronunciation skills. Additionally, this research aims to investigate the potential mediating and moderating effects of teacher beliefs and student attitudes on the relationship between phonetics integration and pronunciation performance. The primary objective of this study is to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in language acquisition and provide educators with valuable insights for instructional purposes. The process of data collection encompassed a total of 13 teachers and 278 elementary students, employing a multi-level methodology. The study employed self-report measures to assess teacher beliefs, student attitudes, and teacher profiles. Data analysis was performed using WarpPLS 8.0 software. The intricate relationships within the elementary school context in Beijing, China, were thoroughly examined through the utilisation of direct path analysis, moderation analysis, and mediation analysis. The research study utilised a robust analytical approach, employing a range of statistical methods to investigate the research inquiries. The analysis of direct paths revealed the presence of direct effects, whereas the analysis of moderation examined the impact of teacher beliefs and student attitudes. The study employed mediation analysis to explore the potential mediating effect of teacher profiles in these relationships. The research highlights the crucial importance of incorporating phonetics into language curricula, demonstrating its significant influence on students' ability to pronounce words accurately. Furthermore, this highlights the significant impact of teacher beliefs and student attitudes on the results of language acquisition, underscoring the significance of tailored instructional methods. However, the study did not find evidence of a direct mediating role of teacher profiles in the association between phonetics integration and pronunciation performance. This finding underscores the intricate complexities involved in this relationship.


