An Ethnolinguistic Analysis of Jewellery Names Common in Turkic Languages


  • Gulsara Kozhakhmetova Senior lecturer, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasion National University. Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Saule Tazhibayeva Professor, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasion National University. Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Gulgaysha Sagidolda Professor, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasion National University. Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Lyazzat Beisenbayeva Senior lecturer, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasion National University. Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Nurgul Abeshova Lecturer, Semey Medical University. Semey, Kazakhstan.


Turkic Language, Jewellery Names, Kazakh Culture, Ethnocultural, Lexical.


The jewellery names and the ethnic identity of the Kazakh culture are lexically correlated as clearly evident from various ethnolinguistic analyses of jewellery vocabulary. This study aimed to analyze some common jewellery names as jüzük (ring), biläzük (bracelet), sị̈rγa (earring), mončak (necklace, beads), tügma (button), belbaγ, qur, qaδis (belt) and jewellery for braids common in Turkic languages. This linguistic journey attempted to uncover the meaning of these jewellery names in different Turkic languages and identify their functions and distinctive features through a comparative method. A qualitative research design with an ethnocultural approach was used to understand the ethnogenetic and cultural aspects of these jewellery names from 26 Turkic languages. The content analysis method was used to categorize them according to their origin and cultural significance. The findings revealed that the Turkic jewellery was of different types, and known by several names in different ancient Turkic languages. It also had sacred power, brought wealth and fertility, possessed healing properties and protected people from evil spirits. This study would help to expand knowledge about the traditional culture of the Turkic peoples.


