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Effectiveness of the Language Preservation Model in the Betawi Community

Iskandarsyah Siregar
Universitas Nasional. & University of Malaya
Nurul Huda Binti Hamzah
University of Malaya.
Keywords: Model, Preservation, Language, Betawi, Effectiveness. ,


Betawi language, which carries a long history of interaction between various cultures in Indonesia, is threatened with extinction and needs preservation. This research investigates the effectiveness of language preservation models that could analyze current language use, identify factors that contribute to language decline, evaluate preservation models, and propose strategies to improve their sustainability. This study hypothesizes that models involving formal education, media, and community involvement are considered adequate for conservation, with positive impacts on cultural identity and potential economic benefits through cultural tourism. Data was collected through surveys, interviews, and participant observation among the Betawi indigenous community in Jakarta. Various language preservation programs, emphasizing the role of the family, schools, government, and media were also reviewed. Findings indicate that formal education, media promotion, and community activities effectively foster language use and cultural pride. A language preservation model, which was indigenously formulated for this study, suggested the application of a comprehensive and multidimensional approach for a successful preservation of the Betawi language. This preservation model would also help to maintain Betawi cultural heritage and can positively impact social identity and integrity and pave ways for economic opportunities.