Impact of Communication Motives and Online Communication on Language Learning: A Mediating Study through Task Technology Fit
Technology plays a key role in the education and learning of students at the higher education level. It is vital to identify the factors that can develop alignment among the learning objectives of the students and technology. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to examine the effect of factors such as Task Technology Fit, online communication, technology characteristics and communication motives on continuance intention to use technology and perceived impact on language learning. This study also aimed to examine the mediating effect of Task Technology Fit as well. The data was collected from the students studying in the higher education institutions of KSA. In this study, cross sectional research design was preferred. The response of students was gathered on questionnaire developed in Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed among respondents using a simple random sampling technique. Around 63.80% of the collected data was usable which was analysed through smart PLS 4. The findings of the study revealed that Task Technology Fit has a significant effect on the perceived impact on language learning and continuance intention. The results also confirmed that task technology fit is positively impacted by online communication, technology characteristics and communication motives. The results also supported the mediating role of Task Technology Fit in the proposed framework. Furthermore, these results are helpful for decision-makers of the higher education sectors in making policies that are helpful for language learning.