Ellipsis as a Linguistic discourse technique in Qur’anic Narratives


  • Ammar Abdul-Amir Radhi Al-Salami The Islamic University - College of Islamic Sciences – Najaf


Qur'anic narratives; omission; recipients; recital, influence; summarization


The practice of using ellipsis as a linguistic discourse technique is visible in the form of omitting segments of time. These segments represent a time frame in which the text discovered events and facts that did not affect the style of narration or the story's development.  This study examined this time frame from the Qur'anic narratives to analyze how a quick progression of events increased the reader's sense of pleasure, interaction, excitement, and tension. The stories sampled for the study were selected through random sampling from the Qur’anic narratives. The only criterion was the mention of these stories at more than one place in the holy Qur’an. This research relied on the descriptive analytical approach of ellipsis as a linguistic model of omission in the narrative time in the Qur'anic stories. The purpose was to analyze how varied Quranic stories being mentioned frequently, helped the recipient focus on the meaning and the continuity of the message. The study also aimed at examining the effect of deletion and summarization techniques on the recipient and the repercussions these techniques reflected in his feelings and imagination. The primary data was collected from the qur’anic stories itself, while the secondary data was taken from the opinions of critics and commentators who had given their interpretation to these narratives and the usage of the time techniques, particularly ellipsis in a linguistic setting. The study found that ellipsis as a linguistic discourse model was visible in techniques like implicit omission, summarization, linking scenes artistically and visualization; some of which were identical to the work of a film director or editor, who cuts and pastes scenes and links them together with the help of the montage. This technique of linking and integrating images and scenes in a distinctive artistic manner is evident of the optimal use of language, the lesser use of words, and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. The study is expected to open up new avenues for studying more linguistic patterns in the Qur’anic narratives.


