Story-Based Extracurricular Tasks for Improving EFL Learners’ Speaking Skills


  • Ahad Abdullah Alruwili Jouf university, Saudi Arabia
  • Hosam-Eldeen Ahmed Elsawy Jouf University, Saudi Arabia & Damanhour University, Egypt


Short Story, Extracurricular Tasks, Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Fluency.


This study aimed at investigating the impact of story-based extracurricular tasks on enhancing the speaking skills of EFL learners. The parameters of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and fluency were examined. A pre-test/post-test one shot case study design was adopted. A sample of 20 students, enrolled in the common first year program at Jouf University, Saudi Arabia, participated in the study. The results showed that learners’ speaking skills improved due to the use of the story-based extracurricular tasks. Findings also showed that the highest improvement in students' speaking skills was in pronunciation, followed by vocabulary, and then, grammar. Fluency was the least improved skill. The study recommends the incorporation of story-based extracurricular tasks in EFL programs for enhancing speaking skills. Educators should choose culturally relevant stories that correspond to the learners' proficiency level. They should involve students in conversations and arguments about the stories, prompting them to examine the themes and implicit messages. This study also recommends to use other resources such as language games, quizzes, and dramatization for enhancing speaking skills of EFL learners.


