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Effectiveness of the Grammar and Translation Methods in Learning Arabic

State Islamic University Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, No. 46 Major Sujadi Timur Street, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Grammar, translation, learning Arabic, Javanese, classical languages ,


The grammar-translation method (GTM), initially introduced to learn classical languages, is now a primary method to teach the target language. This study attempted to examine how the GTM utilizes grammar rules and vocabulary through translation to learn the Arabic language, in pedagogical situations of the Indonesian Islamic boarding schools, where the L1 is Javanese. This study adopted qualitative research design as the data was gathered using field notes and participants’ observations and semi-structured interviews for a cultural and a linguistic analysis, in a bilingual paradigm. A short survey instrument was also prepared to understand the teachers’ and students’ opinion about using the GTM. The teacher and students in the Javanese Islamic schools were the participants of the study, who were selected using a purposive random sampling method. The obtained data was subjected to data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification methods. The study found out that Islamic boarding schools in Java still adopt a word for word translation technique to learn a foreign language (Arabic). They practiced translating or converting the sentences into the native language (Javanese) and vice versa (Arabic) using the grammar and translation methods, although both of them are included into a classical model. The teachers, especially using the GTM, should choose an appropriate teaching method and a teaching strategy. They should pay attention to the level of the students’ ability.