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Model and Approaches to Preserving Betawi Language as an Endangered Language

Iskandarsyah Siregar
Universitas Nasional Doctor of Applied Linguistic
Samsur Rijal Yahaya
University of Malaya
Keywords: Betawi Language, endangered, model, approach, preservation. ,


The Betawi language is one of the endangered languages that must be saved uniquely and comprehensively. The Betawi language speakers occupy a regional position in the heart of the Indonesian state capital, Jakarta and its surroundings. The challenge of pressure, intimidation, interference, influence, and the shadow of other regional languages or even the language of a foreign country is a particular context that requires attention. A multidisciplinary approach using phenomenological, linguistic, and sociological methods was utilized for conducting this research and analyze the problem. In this mixed method research study, comprehensiveness and collaboration between qualitative and quantitative methods were given much attention. Diagnosis of the causes of endangered extinction and preparation of learning module content materials and approaches were keys to success in preserving the Betawi language. This strategy for preserving the Betawi language was successfully applied to efforts to save other languages worldwide after minor and intermediate adjustments have been made. This research found the right model and approach to be applied to the Betawi people. This model has also paid close attention to the situation and dynamics of the Betawi people already in a vulnerable condition. Researchers also believe that future additional research must be carried out to preserve ancient manuscripts of the Betawi language which are currently very difficult to find.