Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017)

Effectiveness of Corpus Consultation in Teaching Verb+Noun Collocations to Advanced ELT Students

Mehmet Akıncı Şehir UniversitySenem Yıldız Boğaziçi UniversityKeywords: Corpora, corpus consultation, collocation, vocabulary instruction, data-driven learning Abstract This study examined the effectiveness of data-driven learning (DDL), explicit instruction and these two methods combined in teaching verb+noun (V+N) collocations to advanced Turkish learners of English. Recognition accuracy of V+N collocations was measured along with participants’ judgment about […]

Effectiveness of Corpus Consultation in Teaching Verb+Noun Collocations to Advanced ELT Students Read More »

Using Videos in ESL Listening Achievement Tests: Effects on Difficulty

Roman Olegovich Lesnov Northern Arizona UniversityKeywords: Audio, second language, listening test, video, content visuals Abstract The question as to whether an assessment construct of second language (L2) listening comprehension should include the decoding of visual information remains unanswered (see Buck, 2001; Ockey, 2007). This study aimed to fill this gap by investigating how audio-only and

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English for Placement Purposes: Developing a Needs Based Course for Meeting the Employment Demands of IT Industries

Jabbar Al Muzzamil Fareen SRM UniversityKeywords: English for Placement Purposes (EPP), English Proficiency Course (EPC), on-campus recruitment drive, needs analysis, productive skills, syllabus design Abstract The instrumentality for conducting a specific needs based placement course in an engineering programme is to develop relevant employability skills of the technical students to cater to the communicative demands

English for Placement Purposes: Developing a Needs Based Course for Meeting the Employment Demands of IT Industries Read More »

Giving Class Averages: Is It Worth It?

Adrian Leis Miyagi University of EducationMatthew Wilson Miyagi UniversityKeywords: L2 Learning Motivation, Self-worth Theory, Assessment, Japanese university students, vocabulary acquisition Abstract The aim of this study was to test a scoring method for regular testing proposed by the authors which provides feedback on test results to each student based upon his or her increases or

Giving Class Averages: Is It Worth It? Read More »

Reaction Time in Masked Semantic Priming Experiments with Persian vs. English Primes

Ali Akbar Ansarin University of TabrizSolmaz Saeeidi Manesh University of TabrizKeywords: Bilingual memory, Priming, Semantic priming, Masked semantic priming, Lexical decision Abstract The psycholinguistics field has long been concerned with bilinguals’ mental lexicon; the way bilinguals restore words in their mental lexicon and the way they retrieve them. So the representation of languages in bilingual

Reaction Time in Masked Semantic Priming Experiments with Persian vs. English Primes Read More »

Going beyond One-to-One Mediation in Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): Concurrent and Cumulative Group Dynamic Assessment

Mowla Miri Allameh Tabataba’I UniversityGoudarz Alibakhshi Allameh Tabataba’I UniversityAli Kushki Shiraz UniversityPeyman Salehpour Bavarsad Lorestan UniversityKeywords: Dynamic Assessment, Group Dynamic Assessment (G-DA), Concurrent and Cumulative GDA, Sociocultural Theory Abstract This paper reports on a study delving into the efficiency of two types of Group-Dynamic Assessment (GDA, concurrent and cumulative) in teaching English articles. To this

Going beyond One-to-One Mediation in Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): Concurrent and Cumulative Group Dynamic Assessment Read More »