Oral Presentations as Assessment Criteria for EFL learners at University Level: A Saudi Instructors' Perspective


  • Noor Aayed Alshammari Jouf University, Saudi Arabia
  • Abdelrahim Hamid Mugaddam Jouf University, Saudi Arabia and Khartoum University, Sudan


EFL, instructors, oral presentation, assessment.


Oral presentations are frequently used to assess EFL learners. There is a dearth of studies on learners’ attitudes and the perspectives of EFL instructors toward oral presentations for assessment, specifically in the Saudi EFL context. This study aims to investigate EFL instructors’ attitudes and practices toward oral presentations as an assessment tool in Saudi universities. A random sampling technique was adopted to identify 122 EFL instructors from 20 universities in Saudi Arabia. data was collected through two research instruments: a questionnaire and a focus group discussion. The quantitative and descriptive results concluded that EFL instructors felt positive about using oral presentations for assessment in their classes and used them frequently because of their importance and effectiveness in improving language skills. This study contributed significantly to understanding how EFL instructors used oral presentations and their attitudes toward them. It also provided insight into the viewpoints and practices of EFL instructors using oral presentations in the Saudi context.


