The Cultural Identity of Minangkabau and Dayak Kanayatn: An Anthropolinguistic Study


  • Syamsurizal Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia.
  • Achril Zalmansyah Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia
  • Heksa Biopsi Puji Hastuti Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia
  • Hasina Fajrin R Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia
  • Tri Saptarini Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia
  • Mukhamdanah Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia
  • Exti Budihastuti Research Center for Language, Literature and Community, BRIN, Indonesia


Cultural identities; Dayak Kanayatn customs; Minangkabau customs; language anthropology


The Minangkabau and the Dayak Kanayatn are two sub-ethnic groups in the Indonesian archipelago with both similar and diverse traditions, customs, moral values and in terms of anthropolinguistic and language aspects. This study aimed to examine the similarities and differences between the Minangkabau and the Dayak Kanayatn. Descriptive qualitative and comparative methods were used to analyse the data. Based on the results, it was found that Minangkabau ethnic group still adhered to their customs and culture, while the Dayak Kanayatn believed in supernatural powers (animism and dynamism) and upholds their traditional values. Hence, the two are similar in terms of traditions and customs, while the differences are based on the concept of divinity. Minangkabau is based on Islamic teachings, while Dayak Kanayatn is based on non-Islamic teachings. Another finding is the language similarity between Minangkabau and Dayak Kanayatn. These similarities are in morphological systems in which both have a morpheme or prefix {ba} which means 'ber' in the Indonesian language or 'to' in English and a morpheme or prefix {sa} 'se' which means a number/as much; preposition (preposition) ka 'to'; and lexical equations. This study provides useful insights for further research.


