The Culture of Creating Poetry and Writing Speech Texts among Indonesian Higher Education Students


  • Joko Widodo Study Program of Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia


EFL, Meaningful Literacy, Poetry, Speech Texts, Teaching Methods


Poetry and spoken texts serve as dynamic instructional resources that enhance language proficiency in the domains of art and rhetoric while concurrently promoting language development. EFL learners hailing from Indonesia emphasise the significance of employing effective teaching methodologies while also shedding light on the challenges they face during the learning process. The analysis of poetry and speech texts authored by students reveals that the utilisation of template-based poetry plays a vital role in enhancing students' understanding of language and fostering significant literacy encounters. Creative ideas serve as catalysts, stimulating students to engage in experimentation with a wide range of literary genres and techniques. This study underscores the importance of speech analysis and the incorporation of rhetorical techniques in the construction of speech texts, enabling students to produce written works that demonstrate linguistic proficiency and evoke emotional resonance. However, persistent challenges include the use of appropriate language registers and maintaining linguistic coherence. This study emphasises the importance of employing innovative strategies to address these obstacles and promote the development of creative expression among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The results of this study offer valuable insights for educators, promoting the adoption of customised strategies to enhance students' abilities in composing poetry and speech texts in the Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context.


